Author: Laura Clarke

Eat the rainbow

Did you just do the skittles voice? I do. Every time I say that phrase out loud, within me a little whisper echoes away. I haven’t had a skittle since I was about 12. ANYWAY. Ever wondered why you’re supposed to have as many colours on your plate as poss?  Here’s what all the different […]

Heavenly Granola

I had some spare time today, so I made granola. Inspired by this Deliciously Ella recipe – I did a freebird classic and was characteristically slapdash about the whole thing. Although it did need stirring fairly consistently – it wasn’t too much faff, and as I was putzing around in the kitchen anyway it was […]

A healthy budget

How’s your bank balance? Did you just cringe? Trust me, I’ve been there. Casually avoiding opening your banking app… not thinking something horrid is in there per se, just not wanting to tackle it at all. But, avoiding it is probably harming not only your financial health, but also your mental and physical health. You’ve […]