cold and flu remedies

Natural Cold and Flu remedies

Colds and flu happen. It’s just a given that every season you’ll pick one up from somewhere, and spend a few days in a snotty heap on the sofa. FUN!

cold and flu remedies

I like to avoid meds if I can for colds – no judgement if that’s your bag, they just don’t agree with me. But, whether you’re a medicine cabinet person or not – there are some fab natural remedies to help.

  1. Jollop. My dad used to make me this, and since becoming a health coach I’ve realised he’s a lot wiser than I gave him credit for. Slice lemon, ginger, turmeric, and chilli in hot water with some manuka honey – and sip constantly through the day. There are loads of natural antivirals in there that will fight bugs and clear your passages. Thanks dad!
  2. Step away from the cheese board. I appreciate that this is a bloody nightmare but dairy exacerbates mucus. Ew. So leave it be for a few days.
  3. Steam! In the shower, bath, or over a bowl – whatever the method it all helps. Especially with a few drops of eucalyptus oil- (even in the bottom of the shower), it all helps to shift anything gross off your chest.
  4. Salt water gargles. Horrid, but the best thing for a sore throat. Honest.
  5. Rest. Your immune system needs a chance to work its magic – so stressing about any work that you’re missing is only making it harder for yourself to recover. So get on the sofa, turn your email notifications off and enjoy all the crap movies of your choosing.